Tuesday, February 26, 2013

It's been a while....

How are you doing with your weight loss??? Today I was at the doctor's office because I thought I had strep throat and there was a little area that asked me for my weight and for the first time in my life I actually wanted to write it down! lol Oh yeah! I'm still at a 57 pound loss but I'm still eating healthy just haven't been able to go to the gym!

This is Me! 57 pounds gone! I'm hoping to get a cool photo shoot done of myself but I kinda want to do something new with my hair because I feel like a new woman!

I saw this photo on pinterest the other day and was like hmmm could I go blonde? What do you think??? I've always had brown hair. I have never gone out of my 'box' and done anything drastic.. I feel like it's time!!

Can I pull that off??!!! Should I do that and then have a photo shoot done??!!!

So what do you do to keep on track? I've said in the past I use my fitness pal. :) I love it! I haven't been logging my foods lately just because I finally feel like I have a grasp on what I should be eating ya know!

On Wednesday, I'm super excited because one of my new neighbors I am meeting with has lost over 100 pounds! We are going to have coffee together!

The one thing that scares me is keeping the weight off. It's SOO easy to order pizza and eat junk food and get off track! I have to look at the huge picture and be like um no you don't want to go back to over 200 pounds. I'm not saying you can't ever have another slice of pizza but eat it in moderation! Once a month treat yourself. That's it. But don't reward yourself with food. Reward yourself with a new outfit, or getting your nails done or something you just wouldn't normally do.

So, tell me if you think I'd look cute with that new hair do and I will go do it!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Back in the Groooooove of things!

Oh my goodness, I feel back to normal! If you read my last post (don't lol) I sounded down and depressed... It's absolutely amazing how much better you feel when you work out. I was on a 2 week break from working out and I dearly missed it. I was totally afraid I wouldn't go back to my work outs but I'm on day 3 of working out again and I feel so so much happier!!

Today, I even went to a new little shop (at least it's new for me) and I got the cutest little sweater! It's got print all over it. And if you know me I was the queen of solid black tees. I thought I could hide in those! I should have my friend take a photo of me in this cute little sweater and post it!

So I joined the YMCA on Sunday and went to work out for the first time on Monday!
I decided to try Body Step! WOW!!! that was totally different than the step class I had been doing.
Then yesterday I did Boot Camp..... WOAH!!! Oh my goodness... I'd never done some of these exercises! I had never even heard of these!
It really freaked me out when you put your feet on these sliding thingy's and get into the plank position and walk your hands across to the other side of the room and then go backwards. WOWWWWW!!

Then today, I tried Spin Class.... um.... booty is sore! lol I have a LOT less padding than I used to so my bootay is so not used to that seat!

One thing I absolutely love about my new YMCA..... There are people of ALL ages there. I am absolutely amazed seeing 70+ year olds working out! There was a woman in our body step class and she totally kept up! I was simply amazed!

Another thing.... I don't feel like I have to look gorgeous to go. I roll out of bed and go. No make up nothing. I'm there to work out not to look pretty. I had toured another gym in my new city and immediately felt horribly intimidated and didn't feel like it would be a good fit.

Bad thing..... The place is SOOOO huge on my first day there I almost walked into the mens changing room! OPPSSS!!

It's a tiny bit hard to meet people.... My old gym I think it was the same 6-10 ladies every single day. I knew all of them!

But it will be nice once I'm able to talk with people and get to know them!

If you are struggling getting on the work out band wagon just do it! You will feel SOOOO much better!

message me if you want to chat! You can find me on Facebook too.
