Saturday, January 5, 2013

50 Pounds Gone in Less than 5 Months

A funny side story....

The Cheese Curd Story.....
So I started working out in August and eating right. I will never forget about two weeks into my journey (usually right about then is when you just want to give up if you don't see any progress...) Don't give up!

Anyway, we had a city festival and the ONLY thing I look forward to each year are CHEESE CURDS..... I was so incredibly crabby because all I wanted was some cheese curds but I knew that if I ate the entire dish that would probably equal out to as much food as I was eating per day... It was actually my husband's birthday and he still was kind of fighting me on this whole healthy kick and he said I don't care what you do I'm going to get me some cheese curds lol.

I can laugh about it now but that day was really wreaking havoc on my mind. While my husband was succulently eating those cheese curds, I was probably honestly cursing in my head lol. Here I am a Christian woman who very rarely swears was swearing in my mind b/c I was mad he was eating them in front of me.

I caved. I literally had 1 single bite of those darn cheese curds and I let that sit in my mouth for well it felt like an hour because I was sitting there enjoying the taste in my mouth. And that was it. All I needed was 1 and I was completely satisfied.

What I cut out of my foods:

I cut out my super yummy and delicious 500 Calorie Mocha Coffees from Caribou Coffee. I was drinking these puppies 4-5 times a week. I was incredibly addicted to caffeine.

I cut out ALL POP. I was drinking 2-3 cans of Diet Coke a day too.

And I never drank water. Very rarely!

I cut out all bread. Now, I eat it once a week. It's a total treat.

I cut out sugar too.

It took me about 2 weeks to feel cleaned out from that. I was kind of a crabby mess because I felt like I was in a fog from all the withdrawal of all that caffeine and sugar.

But now after being off of it for 5 months I have more energy and my skin looks way nicer too!

What I started doing:

I started using My Fitness Pal... First, it was an app called Lose It but I love MFP because you can add friends and they are watching what you eat! lol It makes you feel a little more accountable.
If you join it my name is rockthatgirl so look me up!

I started eating 1200 calories a day. Just to jump start everything. That was tough at first but you get used to it. You eat enough throughout the day you should be good.

Now, I eat about 1400 and I know I could bump it with the amount of calories I burn during my work outs.

I started to drink 6 to 8 cups of water a day.

I actually put a vegetable in my mouth! Oh my gosh!! I now crave vegetables and they have to be fresh. They can't be frozen or canned. fresh fresh fresh!

At first, all I did was ride the exercise bike. I would take my iPad and watch Psych on netflix and ride the bike for an hour. I watched every single episode of that show. I think it was 5 or 6 seasons worth of shows!

After I got thru all the episodes of Psych I started watching Pretty Little Liars (both are very good!! if you needed a recommendation. hehe)

Every once in a while I would go on the treadmill but I didn't care for it. I'm not a runner. (although literally a friend of mine asked me to do the Iron Girl and I'm really thinking about doing it!)

The weight started to come off. I lost 10 pounds in the first 2 weeks.

I know the photos are small but trying to save the embarrassment of myself, the dog, no make up, random child in her jammies, etc. lol

About two months into my working out and eating right my friend Laurissa encouraged me to join the local YMCA. At first, I was like no way. You ain't gonna see me in no gym! I'd be the fattest one there! (can you say I was still really insecure!!)

Well, she invited me to a step class and so I went........ And I failed miserably at it.. I didn't know the steps so I just got upset with myself. I was incredibly nervous about going in there. I did my hair and make up too lol

My friend went with me for about two weeks and then I just kept going. I remember one time, it was probably the second or third time I had done step class I was so frustrated because one, I couldn't keep up and two I still didn't know the steps. I walked out and sat in my car crying. I felt like a big fat failure.....

I called my friend Teri (she's a whole different story... as in crazy awesome story) and called her crying lol.. She told me to just pick myself back up and do it again. I am so glad my crazy friend Teri told me to pick myself back up and do it again... Step class is one of my favorites now. It is a great cardio work out plus I swear it's helping me tone my legs! ( I HATE STALLS THOUGH!!!!!!!)

I did. I've been going to the gym 4-6 days a week depending on my schedules and I do not wear any make up thank you very much! I just roll on outta bed and I go.

So, I'm saying if you think you can't, you can. I swear it's all in your head. That is the biggest obstacle you have to over come is the thing between your two ears...

I got to the point that I became so incredibly determined there hasn't been one single day that I've said or thought that I wanted to quit. That's just not an option. I was so sick of being so sick of hating myself and the way I looked.

It's funny... I'm totally a happy married woman but the other day I was at the gas station and a nice looking man took a double take at me. I was surprised and shocked and then felt a little flattered..... Maybe he took a second look because I had a booger on my nose or something but maybe just maybe I might be attractive enough for people to look at me again.

See, when you are overweight you feel judgement ALL the time from people who have never struggled with their weight. You know they are just saying: Just don't put it in your mouth. Just don't eat it. Well, if you've ever had an addiction you know it's just not that easy to quit..

And food, how do you quit food? You can't!! You just have to make much wiser choices and tell yourself it's for the better! When I first started eating veggies yuck blech gross. I was mad that I was eating it. I was like this totally sucks. But when I started seeing my results I grew to love my veggies.

I ate SQUASH for the first time too! My mama had made some at Thanksgiving and I thought it was sweet potatoes. After eating Squash... (which literally when I was a kid I'd get sick eating it b/c I couldn't handle it) I said mama, is this sweet potatoes? No it's Squash.. Oh my gosh. I took seconds!

(Back to your regular programming!! LOL)
Sometimes, I'd get down on myself b/c you just can't hide the fat like you can hide another addiction. You feel judged way more than another type of addict because you just can't hide body fat no matter how much black you wear. I was the black shirt wearing queen.... I just threw out about 40 black shirts. NO MORE BLACK!

It's funny, so many people told me I should write a blog yet I didn't think I had anything to say.. I keep on writing and more wants to come out! LOL

For future blog posts: I will show you more pictures of me, recipes, and other stuff. I'm not all sure what this blog will evolve in to.. We will see with time.

I love being able to write out my thoughts.. it feels really good!

I sure would love to know how to spice the look of this blog up.. It's pretty bland! If you know how let me know!

Oh and I tend to rabbit trail (hint: squirrel) lol where I go off and start talking about something else and then go back to the thing I was talking about so I sure hope you can follow me! (I think I watched Up to many times with my daughter.) :) :)

Here are some face pictures....
Remember my crazy friend Teri... Well she's the one to my right in this picture. Well lol this is interesting both ladies names are Ter(r)i haha Follow along please!
Well, Teri F. she lost a ton of weight. I saw her going crazy at the gym and Zumba etc. I think she's lost 50 pounds and is now body building!

And then I JUST took this one at my 50 Pound Mark


  1. I'm so proud of you and this is great to write your journey down because people love to read them. I know I do. I have only hit 200lbs when I was pregnant, I know how that feels. I had my 5th and can't get the weight off for many reasons. I have done a lot of reading and watching documentaries on sugar (or its called crack or cocaine, says one author of a book I'm reading) that is the one thing I am addicted too, YES you can be addicted to sugar its in EVERYTHING. I will be going on a cleanse to get all the toxins out and plan on making healthy eating choices after that for the rest of my life. For me the thought of going on a diet was always getting the weight off and then I can eat what I want...NO FREAKING way. Now that I have a different thought process about it all I think my journey is going to begin because there is no room for giving up even if its hard. And another thing like you said you can't exercise out a bad diet. I always exercise at least 4 times a week and you can't get the weight of by just doing that.

  2. I am SO GLAD you are writing this blog, Ali! I am feeling now the way you described yourself before and I need all the encouragement I can get! You are my inspiration! Thank you and congratulations!

  3. Such an inspiration! I agree it is all a mind game, you have to talk yourself into knowing you can do it. You look amazing by the way!
