Thursday, January 31, 2013


The last week has been crazy! We moved from Minnesota to Wisconsin and have been working and working on the house and trying to set up my studio and Rock the Drops. All of my studio stuff is buried in the garage because we've been waiting ever so patiently for the downstairs to be done and today they will be finished! Finally! Can you say Amen!

I haven't been able to use the internet here either. I'm using the personal hot spot on my cell phone to be able to write this.

Oh and I haven't been to the gym in over a week... :( oh my gosh!

Let me tell you this... It's completely wearing on me. It's starting to drive me bonkers. It's amazing how good you feel when you work out. I've started to feel yucky about myself again b/c I haven't been working out. I have lost another pound through all of this moving but I have 17 more pounds to my goal and I'm going to do it.

I'm ready for my routine to be back. I still have yet to have time to go join the new YMCA.

So with that, I want to encourage you all to go work out! It makes you feel so much better about yourself. I hate feeling down and out. I don't like it one bit!!

I'm hoping I can go to the gym tomorrow and do STEP. No more workers at the house, no more deliveries that I have to be here for.... I think I can finally go!

But it's crazy the thoughts I have about working out. I'm scared that just taking a week off that I will not have the oomph to do the work outs. Maybe I will finally get off the plateau though?

I just like how I feel about myself more when I'm working out. Never did I think I'd be taking a week off!

Anyway enough about woe is me I haven't gone to the gym lol... Time for more upbeat Ali! I will get back in my routine.. This was just a little bump!!

I wanted to share with you something I made the other day....

Maria Mind Body Health
I found this lady through Jamie Schultz and let me say I was so happy to find her!
I went to her taste testing party about a month ago and bought a couple of her cookbooks.
Well, with moving and having everything in boxes, I really wasn't able to do anything. Well, the other day I promised my little girl that if she picked out a desert in Maria's cookbook, I would make it for her. :)
She picked out Fudgy Brownies and so I went to the store and oh my gosh the store had all the ingredients whereas where I was living before there's no way I could have found the ingredients!

I made these brownies and they are super super yummy... What makes me soooo happy is that my daughter LOVES them! We've been trying and trying to get her to eat more healthy but she just turns her nose up at it all the time.

You should really check out Maria's cookbooks. They are on amazon!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing about your daughter too. I really want to make more changes in our diets so would love to hear more about how you all are feeling about the changes. More about how it's been for your daughter and husband. I'm willing to try new things but am afraid they won't eat the things I make.
