Monday, January 21, 2013

Whatever you do..... DON'T GIVE UP!

The last couple weeks have been very hard. I've been stuck between 51 to 53 pounds lost and I'm not seeing the scale move down as fast as it was in the beginning. Am I giving up??? No way!!!

People ask me all the time what I'm doing to lose the weight?..... Let me tell you this. It's not a DIET! I have completely changed my lifestyle. Every other diet I tried which I've tried many... I always ended up gaining the weight that I had lost.

Diets are DUMB! At least with my experience they don't work. You starve yourself, limit yourself to a certain way and then when you get to your desired goal then you go back to the way you were eating and guess what????? You put the weight back on.. I refuse to diet!

When I started I literally had to take one day at a time. It was hard. I wanted to eat everything (especially at 'that time'!! You know what I'm talking about ladies!!) and I was mad at people who could eat anything they wanted! lol But you know what, thru that determination to become healthy and not eat the junk I've lost so much weight and I'm so insanely happy!

Now, that I am on a plateau it really does stink but I refuse to give up! I refuse to let myself go by the wayside and not work hard for it. This just means I have to push myself even harder at the gym and really watch what I eat.

However, when your frustrated and on a plateau the LAST thing you want is for your husband to go down to Perkins and buy a bunch of muffins... lol My daughter wanted a muffin the other day and I was cool with him getting her one. Seriously, everything we have is in boxes because we are moving this week... Not only did he come home with 1 muffin for my daughter and 1 for my friend who was helping us pack..... he came home with 4 more muffins... Oh my goodness, those muffins were talking to me and telling me to eat them... Darn those muffins especially the one with oreos in it.... Did I cave and gorge on those muffins????????..... nope. I had about 3 bites and that was enough..

Through all of this because I've been struggling with getting off the plateau it's had me kind of feeling down... That with a few other things in life... moving away from a place I've lived for 9 years, saying goodbye to some amazing friends, not being at Imaging USA ( I totally wanted to go to that) lol

So when those muffins came into our house I was feeling down and before in my life I would have eaten them to make me feel better. I REFUSED to allow myself to eat them because of that. The couple bites satisfied me enough that the darn little things would stop talking to me but I didn't sit and binge them like I would have in the past.

I feel like having this attitude of Not Giving Up goes for anything in life.... Lately, I've seen a ton of marriages fail. It makes me so sad. I was almost one of them. I really was. I had in my mind that I was going to leave my husband because I was miserable.

I felt like we had grown apart especially after our miscarriage. The only thing that kept me here at that point was my daughter. I just couldn't do that to my little girl but I was so depressed and so angry I couldn't see past anything else.

I made a commitment to myself that I was going to change. The only person that could change me is me.... And the only person who could change my husband is my husband.

Once the weight had started coming off I started becoming more happy...more confident...more alive...I really think those endorphins do so much to you as a 'happy pill'... Seriously if you are feeling down I DARE you to go work out!

Anyway, don't give up on anything! Keep moving forward, FIGHT for what you want! Fight to be healthy, Fight for your Marriage, Fight to Love yourself... Fight Fight Fight and you will overcome!

On a side note..... I'm the kinda girl who just can't run... lol I couldn't even run a mile in high school I was so out of shape. I could have maybe run a half mile... Well, the other day I was meeting with a few of my best girlfriends saying goodbye to them and one of my friends was having a rough day. I told her to go and work out. She kind of hemmed and hawed about it... Thinking for a bit... and then maybe I will.... but I told her I'd go home change my clothes and meet her at her place.

I went on her treadmill and she got on her elliptical.... I swear I had a moment... I not only ran 1 mile..... and not only 2 miles but I ran 2.5 MILES.... We were listening to really loud music and I was telling her she could do ANYTHING that she put her mind to and that she would succeed in everything..... I was telling her this all the time while running.

I looked at how far I ran and in the amount of time and I was like there's proof you can set your mind to anything and you can achieve it.

Whether it's your weight, marriage, work, goals, etc you can do anything. You just have to believe in yourself and not let your head get in the way! Your head is your biggest obstacle.

Don't Give up! Don't Give In and you can do it! Believe in yourself. Make that change now.

I dare you to say out loud right now:








OH, I wanted to share this with you..... I'm kind of a dork, well no, I am a dork but I made this the other day and I'm going to make it into a physical button and put it on my purse... I want people to come up to me and ask me how...

Now that I am at a healthy weight I want to help those that are stuck..... I don't want to go up to anyone who is overweight like I was and say can I help you lol... that's totally not my style... I want to put this on my purse so they come up to me!

I have a heart to help people. I always have but I couldn't help until I was good with me ya know...